WTBR 1000 – Benchtop Robot Soldering

More than half a century of experience in soldering and superiority in innovation, allows us to take our customers to the next step in achieving production excellence. WTBR 1000 – Benchtop RobotRobot represents a one-of-a-kind synergy of precision, reliability, and productivity of soldering tasks.

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WTBR 1000

WTBR 1000 – Benchtop Robot Soldering

WTBR 1000 – Benchtop Robot Soldering is More than half a cen­tury of ex­pe­ri­ence in sol­der­ing and su­pe­ri­or­ity in in­no­va­tion, al­lows us to take our cus­tomers to the next step in achiev­ing pro­duc­tion ex­cel­lence. The new WTBR 1000 – Benchtop Robot Soldering rep­re­sents a one-of-a-kind syn­ergy of pre­ci­sion, re­li­a­bil­ity, and pro­duc­tiv­ity of sol­der­ing tasks.

High­est sol­der­ing pre­ci­sion and su­pe­rior re­li­a­bil­ity

The WTBR 1000 is equipped with Weller‘s high performance Technology Line sol­der­ing tools, ensuring consistent quality of solder joints.

The solder feeder is designed to be in close proximity to the work­piece (PCB), pulling the wire rather than pushing it through the feeder tube.

The ro­bust and sturdy con­struc­tion en­sures that no sud­den move­ments or vi­bra­tions neg­a­tively af­fect the work­piece, the com­po­nents or the tools.


Max­i­miz­ing pro­duc­tiv­ity, low­er­ing cost

A dou­ble drawer sys­tem al­lows con­tin­u­ous pro­duc­tion thereby pro­vid­ing much higher process through­put, im­prov­ing pro­duc­tiv­ity and of­fer­ing flex­i­bil­ity.

The WTBR 1000 al­lows up to 50% cost sav­ing ver­sus hand sol­der­ing.


Easy to learn and use soft­ware

The WTBR 1000 is op­er­ated with easy to learn and use soft­ware, en­abling op­er­a­tors to start using the unit com­fort­ably and quickly.

It is easy to switch from one op­er­a­tor to another, with minimum time lost and without unnecessary training expenses.


Fully-enclosed system offers triple protection

Being a fully-en­closed sys­tem, with in­te­grated fume ex­trac­tion, the WTBR 1000 Bench­top Robot al­lows our cus­tomers to achieve the high­est level of safety: pro­tect­ing the op­er­a­tor, the work­piece (PCB) and the ma­chine.

The fully-enclosed system provides a complete and CE-compliant solution to the customer

Move to cleaning position
The soldering head moves to the
cleaning position and cleans the tip in
the tip cleaner.

Move to working position
The soldering head leaves the
cleaning position and moves to the
working position

WTBR 1000

Pre-tin tip / Preheat joint / Solder
Uniquely WELLER®: a small, precise amount of solder wire is smoothly pulled,not pushed (as is conventional practice) onto the hot soldering tip to create a good thermal bridge for the soldering process

WTBR 1000

Remove solder supply
while heating The wire feeder is quickly retracted from the solder joint while the heat continues to be applied.

WTBR 1000

Remove heat source
The soldering tip retracts from the solder joint and is ready for the next soldering task.

WTBR 1000

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