Mantis Elite-Cam

 Mantis Elite-Cam Stereo Microscope with USB Camera

Mantis Elite-Cam is a variant of the successful Mantis Elite ergonomic stereo microscope with an internally integrated USB2.0 camera, bringing together outstanding optical performance and effortless image capture.

  • Discontinued

    (replaced by Mantis Elite-Cam HD)

  • 2x – 20x magnification
  • Factory integrated and sealed 1.3 MP USB 2.0 camera
  • Simple image capture or powerful annotation and measurement software

Mantis Elite Cam Stereo Microscope -USB Camera

Mantis Elite-Cam Stereo Microscope with USB Camera

Mantis Elite Cam Stereo Microscope -USB Camera is comprised of a standard Mantis Elite ‘eyepiece-less’ stereo microscope offering truly superb 3D imaging with a factory integrated digital camera.

The COMPLETE SOLUTION for low magnification inspection, manipulation and documentation tasks.

Combined with a choice of software options you are able to carry out easy-to-use image archiving or more advanced annotation, mark-up, dimensioning and simple measurement.

Winner of numerous industry design awards, the outstanding ergonomic design of Mantis microscopes is unrivalled by other inspection stereo viewers.

HighlightsMantis Elite

  • 2x – 20x optical magnification options (two position quick change turret)
  • Superior ergonomics for fatigue-free viewing and increased quality / productivity
  •  optical head, with factory integrated and sealed USB2.0 camera
  • Simple PC based image capture software included
  • Powerful DimensionOne™ imaging and measurement software (optional upgrade)
  • Ideal for training purposes
  • Choice of stands and accessories to suit numerous applications

Software included

Simple, easy-to-use AMCap image and video capture software is included as standard to allow you to quickly get up and running.

Upgrade to the powerful DimensionOne™ software to get the added benefits of annotation, dimensioning and on-screen measurement tools. Invaluable for image archiving, documentation and reporting – fundamental to quality assurance and research and development purposes.

Fatigue-Free Optical Viewing


Patented optical technology of Mantis removes the need for restrictive eyepieces of a conventional microscope, allowing operators freedom of head movement, providing superb ergonomics and hand-eye co-ordination, plus the ability to wear prescription or safety glasses, if required.

Additional information

Vision Engineering